Resume Deletions

There are some things that just aren’t worth putting on your resume. This was the reminder that came to mind during replies to Owen Williams on the tweet machine.

For a very short time I worked for a small family business that sold woodworking tools. Everything from glue and chisels to large computer controlled "put wood in this side and get a cabinet out the other side" machines. I was recommended to the position by a friend who was leaving to work for an ISP. The job I had at the time was part-IT/part-retail for a small grocery store chain, and I wanted to go all in on IT.

But on what I remember to be my first (or maybe second) day I was asked by the President of the company to disable the accounts of two of his brothers who were VPs (the four boys ran it) — A few hours later one of them shows up at my desk trying to figure out why his email is locked, and doesn’t have a clue who I am.

This guy looked like he killed wild animals barehanded for fun, and at maybe 21 years old I’m a much scrawnier version of my current self at maybe 160lbs. What a joy it was to tell him to go talk to his brother and then have him return and demand that I reactivate it.

I left a couple of months later once I found something that was slightly more stable. The company is no longer in business.